Contagion, networks, data, and software

The Landry Lab at the University of Virginia studies how the structure of networks and groups affect the spread of diseases, information, and ideology. We seek to answer questions like, How do groups change the way that information and diseases spread? How does the size of a group change the probability that its members will change their minds? How do groups form? Can we effective mitigate diseases if we understand the underlying connection patterns? We use tools from network science, mathematical modeling, Bayesian inference, and open-source development to help answer these questions.

Open positions

We are recruiting the following positions:

Research Associate: We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher to work on the following areas:

  • Dynamical models: Developing realistic models for the spread of diseases and ideology on networks, particularly higher-order networks
  • Bayesian Inference: Reconstructing networks and disease dynamics from imperfect and noisy observational data
  • Higher-order network structure: Developing higher-order measures sensible for the spread of diseases and information
  • Software development: Developing scientific Python software to support research and facilitate the dissemination of results

Submit your application at UVA Jobs.

Graduate Students: Graduate students will have considerable latitude to choose courses and a research project that interests them. The deadline for applying to the UVA Biology program is December 1st. We have funding available for interested graduate students.

Recent News

  • December 2024: Deadline for PhD students applying to the UVA Biology program is December 1st! Feel free to reach with questions about the process!
  • October 2024: The first publication for the Landry Lab is published in Physical Review E!
  • August 2024: A Research Associate (Postdoc) position is live at UVA Jobs! I’ll start reviewing applications on October 15th. Please reach out with any questions.